Bottle & Nozzle

Products → Glues, Polishes & Cleaners → Bottle & Nozzle

Bottle & Nozzle


  • Bottle with nozzle & cap
  • Made from Polyethylene
  • For easy glue application
  • Suitable for use with thicker glues such as Tensol 70 & Tensol 12
  • Happy to sell in bulk or as a single item

Case Studies

Selfridges and Co.

In March 07 we delivered 11 tons of acrylic for 92 free standing & wall mounted directional signs for a new wayfinding system at Selfridges, for their Oxford Street store.

Sheffield Council

As part of a Sheffield City refurbishment scheme, we were asked to structurally bond eight massive acrylic beams 5400mm long and 150mm thick, in the town hall square.
